Terraform Weekly - Issue #8

With all conferences canceled right now, people are trying to find ways to share those stories via the Internet.

We cover a few ways in which that is happening in the Terraform world – the recent HashiTalks: Africa and the upcoming HashiConf Digital (replacing EU).

HashiCorp recently hosted a purely online conference called HashiTalks Africa. I have never "attended" one of these but decided to take a look through the posted videos to see if there was anything worth checking out.

I am very interested in Terraform testing and there are a few sessions on this topic that I found interesting–

Testing on Localhost

Localstack is an interesting project which mocks AWS API behavior in a tool that you can run. It does not have 100% coverage but for covered areas this could be a great way to test Terraform code.

This talk was a great overview of how to make it work, including covering some gotchas to avoid.

End-to-end testing

Another good testing talk, this time for folks that have not yet used Terratest to write automated Terraform tests.

A nice little tool for designing VPC networks. You write some high-level YAMl and the tool will generate Terraform (and other) code for building that VPC.

The next HashiConf will be all online (replacing HashiConf EU).

The talks are all on EU time, so for those of us in North America it is, uh, kinda early in the morning. Still check out the schedule and see if there is maybe something worth watching after the videos are released.

Notable Releases

In summary–

As previously reported, the plugin sdk is moving toward version 2.

This release appears to be preparing for that by deprecating a number of things:

  • DisableBinaryDriver (#450)

  • Deprecate the helper/mutexkv, helper/pathorcontents, httpclient, and helper/hashcode packages (#453)

Fixed a linter crash - #487

Breaking Change - The terraform_dash_in_* rules have been removed in favor of terraform_naming_convention #737, #697.

New rules

  • terraform_required_providers #731 

  • terraform_workspace_remote #738

  • terraform_unused_declarations #739

Fixes to handling spaces in property names and added case insensitive matching for the regex steps.

Updated the nomad client to support Nomad API version 0.11.2 (#103).

A couple of bug fixes for nomad_job: #104, #92.

A bug fix for auth0_user in parsing JSON.